Sunday, October 29, 2006

Welcome Henry Charles

And the remarkable thing is that there is so much wonder to come!

28th October 2006


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Congrads and blessing to you all.

29 October, 2006 11:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cute!!!I can't believe that I have another cousin!! I can't wait till Christmas when I get to see him!

29 October, 2006 13:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both - and just how cute is Henry Charles!!

Looking forward to meeting him when things settle down! :)

29 October, 2006 15:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you,
You had a baby or two!

Lots of love

29 October, 2006 20:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you
You had a baby or two

I look forward to meeting Henry Charles. I could teach him how to play cricket, I learnt on Saturday.

Lots of Love

29 October, 2006 20:45  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! Congratulations! I hope you're all well and resting.

Much love,
O xxx

29 October, 2006 23:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sue and Jeff and welcome Henry Charles:) We hope all is going well. Sleep when you can!!
Love Susan Scott Dheran and Kailan

30 October, 2006 21:38  
Blogger Craig said...

well done! fantastic!
and a good time was had by all...
errr... welll... so it wasn't twins then?
hope you are all doing well.
blessings to you all

craig and the other mitchells

30 October, 2006 23:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray, how wonderful! I can't wait to meet him. Would he like me to bring him home some Swiss chocolate? Or maybe a cow with a bell round its neck?

02 November, 2006 00:53  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, wow.

Congratulations Sue and Jeff and welcome to the world, Henry Charles!

02 November, 2006 10:24  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done Sue and Jeff, just in time to help you write reports!

Thinking of you all,

Brett, Brooke, Chloe & Emily.

10 November, 2006 17:01  

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