Saturday, March 04, 2006


I've just finished Incurable: the Ellie Chronicles by John Marsden. Heres a great excerpt.

'For the first time he told me his own stories. I remember writing quite recently about how stories give you an identity. In some ways they give you your life. You think you're a big lump of skin and bones and blood adn organs and cells, an of course you are, but you're also a big lump of stories. You know those pictures they have in butchers' shops showing how sheep and cattle are divided into rump and blade and so on? They should have another one, in bedrooms maybe, showing humans divided into the stories of their early childhood, the stories of their primary school days, the stories of their birthdays and Christmases, the stories of their friendships, and so on.

If you know someone's stories, you know them. If you don't know their stories, you don't know them.'

Perhaps that'as what I miss most about living in Melbourne, people who know my story and the knowing of other's stories.


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